A woman wearing an adidas hat and a black tank top
Jessica C • January 25, 2022

20 Best Non-Scale Victories You Should Focus On

Have you stepped on the scale recently and weren’t happy with the number you saw? There is a possibility that it did not drop as much as you had anticipated, or it did not drop at all. The fact that the scale is not dropping (or not going down as quickly as you’d like) does not mean that you’re not making progress. Why not focus on non-scale victories?

What are non-scale victories?

Non-scale victories are things outside of the scale that show you are making progress in your weight loss journey. It’s certainly helpful to watch your weight change on the scale, but it’s not the only way to prove that you are succeeding!

Which of these victories have you experienced?

A person is holding a hamburger and vegetables in their hands

What choices have you made lately?

  • Have you been sleeping better lately?
  • Have you felt more energized throughout the day?
  • Did you choose to exercise or meal prep even when you didn’t feel like it?
  • Have you been reaching your daily step goal consistently?
  • Have you noticed a difference in your skin?
  • Are you eating healthier foods?
  • Have you noticed less inflammation or bloating?
  • Are you lifting heavier weights?
  • Have your efforts inspired others?
  • Have you had regular bowel movements?
  • What percentage of your meals were consumed at home versus those that were consumed eating out?
  • Is your monthly cycle more regular?
  • Do your clothes fit better now?
  • Are your body measurements improving?
  • Is the fit of your rings better?
  • Are you noticing fewer cravings?
  • Do your nails seem stronger?
  • Are you eating more protein?
  • Did you get off of certain medications because of health improvements?
  • Can you now do a plank or touch your toes?

I could think of many other non-scale victories. This list could go on.

You see, there are so many other ways to measure progress, but most of the time we get caught up with the number on the scale. We’re missing the point if we only concentrate on the scale and overlook our other victories.

What happens if we only focus on the scale?

Focusing solely on the scale will most likely lead us to give up before we even give ourselves a chance to see results. Paying attention to these small details will allow us to be successful.

Celebrating non-scale victories really helps us notice the progress we’re making, says licensed clinical psychologist Alicia H. Clark, Psy.D. “Noticing progress, in a variety of forms, can lessen your reliance on the scale number and diversify your goals”.

With this being said, I’m by no means discouraging you from weighing yourself. I have most of my clients weigh themselves on a weekly basis which allows me to see if there are any patterns that indicate that their calories need to be adjusted. However, my main goal is for them to focus on the non-scale victories.

Think about it this way, you can see the scale drop but if your mindset is not changing as soon as you’re done with the program you will revert to old habits.

Non-scale victories lead to real success

Non-scale victories such as choosing to meal prep, eating fewer fast foods , not feeling guilty because you ate a donut, choosing healthier foods are things that will allow you to be successful long term. These are also things the scale can’t measure.

If you’re having a hard time with this, I would love to help you! My 3-month Nutritional Coaching program will teach you how to focus on the little wins, adopt new habits, improve your relationship with food, and get the results you’ve always wanted.

Before giving up on any of your efforts, make sure you go down the Non-Scale victories to track your progress. Seeing changes takes time. Don’t give yourself a timeframe, just sit back and enjoy the ride. Think about all the reasons you decided to choose a healthier lifestyle and the benefits.

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Jess Chambers



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